All Things Midlife with Erin
You’ll get candid conversations with these this midlife gals, and be inspired to rediscover and redefine your sense of purpose and start living every day to the fullest, rather than by default.
My podcast is a place where we can inspire each other to make positive changes and embrace all that midlife has to offer.
Thank you for joining with me on this journey!
Hi! Welcome to Midlife State of Mind podcast. I'm your host, Erin Beadle, a middle-aged woman who will help guide you on this winding road called midlife.
I speak from the heart about relationships, the ups and downs of life AFTER you've already raised yourself, raised your kids, and raised the rim on your rose-colored glasses. If you're looking for a space where you can feel a sense of belonging and connection then you are in the right place.
Sit back, relax, and join in on the conversations with me about the weird and wonderful ways things change as I navigate midlife. I'm happy you are here.
At this stage of life, we have all likely accomplished quite a lot. We may have built a career, raised a family, and maybe even traveled the world. Nonetheless, we may feel like sometimes there's something missing. This middle section of life doesn’t have to be labeled a midlife crisis. Instead of feeling unfulfilled or struggling to find purpose, we are here to bring you good news that a fulfilling life is attainable. It's important for all of us to remember midlife is a time of great possibility and self-discovery. This time in our lives can bring us a new freedom and many opportunities to live our very best lives instead of experiencing the proverbial empty nest syndrome.

a few raves from my fans
VERY refreshing!
The overall theme of your terrific format, is VERY refreshing. Love how you two capture your audience in under 20 minutes.
Quick snippets that stick and can be utilized each & every day to literally GET THROUGH THE DAY with Midlife State of Mind Podcast
Thank you for the efforts you both put in to put this all together!
Jeff K.
Like Hanging Out with Friends
I am in my car for hours every day and today I listened to multiple episodes of this podcast. I was engaged with every episode and felt like I was driving around with friends in the car. I burst out laughing at one point and was also inspired to reach out to a long-time friend and share the “friends” episode with her. Thanks for the inspiration and fun!
KellyKHD , 02/09/2023
Midlife is so hard for women! Most talk about men’s midlife crisis but not women. I love the real, open, and honest conversations. They are so inspiring, insightful, and helpful.
Escanofamily , 01/28/2023
Best ever!
Real talk for mid life women! Love this pod cast
Baldpointrichie , 08/10/2022
tune in, love!
Our personal growth and identity can shift into positive directions as we begin focusing on our own needs without worrying as much about the demands of others. It's a time to explore new hobbies, passions, and nurture meaningful relationships. It's also a time to rediscover and redefine our sense of purpose and start living accordingly, rather than by default.
This is where my podcast comes in. Let’s reclaim our wholeness together. I'm here to provide you with the tools, resources, and support you need to navigate midlife. We are all about exploring the positive state of mind that comes with this phase of life. I aim to provide you with insights, advice, and inspiration from research by the experts and like-minded peers who understand the benefits of practicing self-care and investing in yourself.
I cover a wide range of topics that are relevant to midlifers, including health and wellness, relationships, career transitions, financial planning, and much more. I bring on experts in these fields to share their knowledge and expertise, and also feature real-life stories from people who have gone through similar experiences.